The Safety Module is no longer active as of November 28, 2022. In DIP 17, the dYdX community voted to effectively wind down the Safety Module by setting the Safety Module rewards per second to 0.
All remaining ethDYDX from the Liquidity Module Rewards allocation were migrated to the dYdX Chain Community Treasury.
More information about the dYdX Chain Community Treasury is available here.
DYDX Unstaking & Withdrawals
Stakers must request to withdraw funds at least 3 days(Blackout Window) before the end of the epoch in order to be able to withdraw ethDYDX after the end of that epoch. If stakers do not request to withdraw, their staked $ethDYDX is rolled over into the next epoch.
Withdrawals cannot be requested during the Blackout Window.
In DIP 17, the dYdX community voted to reduce the length of the Blackout Window from 14 days to 3 days.
What is the blackout window?
A blackout window is a period of time during which users cannot request withdrawals of $stkDYDX. TherequestWithdrawalfunction cannot be called during a blackout window, which is configured as the last 3 daysof an epoch. New epochs start every 28 days. In other words, users can request a withdrawal for the next epoch up to 3 daysbefore the end of a given epoch.
How do I withdraw funds from the staking pool? How long does it take?
An epoch schedule is enforced for withdrawals in order to provide predictability and a regular cadence for the availability of funds in the pool. A staker must request to withdraw funds at least 3 days before the end of an epoch in order to be able to withdraw their funds after the end of that epoch. If stakers do not request to withdraw, their staked $ethDYDX is rolled over into the next epoch.
To withdraw funds, users call the `requestWithdrawal` function to request to withdraw funds for the next epoch. User funds will remain staked and not withdrawable for the current epoch. Starting in the next epoch, funds will be “inactive” and available for withdrawal.
In the next epoch, users call the `withdrawStake` function to withdraw inactive funds to a specific address. Users can select the amount of inactive funds they want to withdraw or call the `withdrawMaxStake` function to withdraw all inactive funds. Note that the `withdrawMaxStake` function is less gas-efficient than querying the max via eth_call and calling `withdrawStake()`.
To withdraw $ethDYDX from the Safety Module, follow these steps: