Overview of governance parameters.
Holders of Governance Tokens have immediate and irrevocable control over:
Allocation of the community treasury
New token listings on the Protocol
Risk parameters for the Protocol
Capital allocations to market makers in the liquidity staking pool
Addition of new market makers to the liquidity staking pool
Determining safety staking pool payouts in the event of a loss
Changing any of the rewards and pools existing at launch
The governance contracts themselves
dYdX Governance has control over the parameters of the following contracts:
Priority Timelock
$ethDYDX Token
Merkle Distributor
Liquidity Staking
Safety Module
Stark Proxy
Stark Perpetual
Timelock Parameters
Governor Parameters
ethDYDX Token
Rewards Treasury Parameters
Community Treasury Parameters
Merkle Distributor
Liquidity Staking
Safety Module
Stark Proxy
Stark Perpetual
Last updated