How to withdraw and transfer funds from a subaccount using Command Line


1. Install tools (MacOS)

Make sure you have Homebrew installed

brew --version

If not, execute

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL <

Make sure everything is up to date

brew update && brew upgrade 

You need git

 brew install git

v4-client-js uses node v18 for development. You can use nvm to manage different versions of node.

nvm install
nvm use
nvm alias default $(nvm version) # optional

You can run the following commands to ensure that you are running the correct node and npm versions.

node -v # expected: v18.x.x (should match .nvmrc)
npm -v  # expected: 10.x.x (e.g. we use 10.2.4 here)

How to initiate a withdrawal from subaccount

1. Clone or fork the public dYdX solutions repo

Open a Terminal and run the following command:

git clone [email protected]:dydxfoundation/solutions-public.git

2. Setup the environment

  • Copy the .env.example and rename as a .env file.

  • Now make sure to fill in the following parameters, MNEMONIC, NETWORK_TYPE and RECIPIENT_ADDRESS (Address to withdraw funds to)

# General
NETWORK_TYPE=testnet # Use "mainnet" for main network

# withdrawOtherExample
WITHDRAWAL_AMOUNT=1000000 #remember usdc has 6 decimals, so this represents 1 USDC
  • For testnet and testing purposes, feel free to use the mnemonic from the TS client library under v4-client-js/examples/constants.

3. Run the scripts with node

npm install
npm run build

You should now see a /build dir generated with JS files. We will use node to run these scripts

  • Open a terminal to run the example orders.

node build/withrawOtherExample.js
  • (OPTIONAL) Run the websocket to check orders for a given subaccount.

node build/websocketExample.js

Last updated