How to Vote Guide

An overview of how to vote on a dYdX Chain governance proposal.


Below, we provide a step-by-step guide to explain to new users of the dYdX Chain how to cast a vote on a governance proposal through Command Line Interface (CLI) or a wallet extension.

Note, only bonded DYDX tokens can vote on dYdX Chain governance proposals, and this guide was created with the assumption that you have bonded DYDX tokens.

To get bonded DYDX tokens, you will need to stake your tokens to your preferred validator(s). Visit this page for further information on staking.

Voting Method

Command Line Interface

  1. To cast a vote, you must know the proposalID that they intend to vote on. You can query the list of proposals on dYdX Chain by entering this command on the CLI:

dydxprotocold query gov proposals
  1. If you would like to know more details about the proposal, they can query it by entering this command on the CLI:

dydxprotocold query gov proposal <proposal-id>
  1. Once you understand the subject matter being voted on and has formed an opinion about it, you can cast a vote by entering this command on the CLI:

dydxprotocold tx gov vote <proposal-id> <option> --from <key>

During the voting period, you may select a vote of either Yes, No, Abstain, or NoWithVeto.


  1. First, go to Keplr Dashboard. Once you can see the dashboard page, enter “dYdX” on the “Search Chains” bar on the upper left corner of the page.

  1. Then click “dYdX” and you will be taken to dYdX dashboard.

  1. Click the “Governance” tab, you will find all the information about current and past on-chain proposals.

  1. Proposals that you can vote on are marked with the “Voting Period” tag.

  1. In case you have not had time to check out the dYdX community forum, you can read the full details of the proposal by clicking on the respective proposal.

  1. In the proposal page, you can find the Title, Proposal Timeline, Vote Details, Validator’s Review and Proposal Details.

  1. Once you read the full description of the proposal, you can cast your vote by clicking the “Vote” button on the right side of the page.

  1. A pop-up of vote options will appear: Yes, No, Abstain, and No With Veto. To understand the difference between these options, you can visit the Governance Module documentation.

  1. Once you have selected your preferred option, you can click "Confirm".

  1. Keplr will prompt you to confirm the transaction, as well as show the transaction fee to cast the vote. After reviewing your selection and transaction fee, you can click "Approve".


  1. First, go to Leapboard: once on the Overview page, navigate to “Governance” on the left side of the page.

  1. On the Governance page, you can view the list of proposals that you can vote on. You can also click the “All Chains” drop-down menu on the upper right corner of the page to specifically find dYdX’s proposals.

  1. Click on the proposal that you want to vote on.

  1. The proposal page will show the Vote Details, ChatGPT Summary (if available), Vote Timeline, Proposal Details, and Detailed Description.

  1. In case you haven’t had time to check out the dYdX community forum, you can read the full details of the proposal by clicking the “Detailed Description”.

  1. Once you read the full description of the proposal, you can cast your vote by clicking the “Vote” button on the upper right side of the page.

  1. A pop-up of vote options will appear: ‘Yes’, ‘No’, ‘Abstain’, and ‘No With Veto’.

  1. Once you have selected your preferred option, you can click “Submit”.

  1. Leap will prompt you to confirm the transaction, as well as showing the transaction fee to cast the vote. Once done, you can click “Approve”.

Last updated