📊Relevant Data Sources and Dashboards for dYdX Chain

An overview of relevant data sources and dashboards for dYdX Chain.

Lenses by Numia

This all-in-one dashboard contains important metrics of dYdX Chain, all information are downloadable in .csv format.

Mintscan by Cosmostation

This block explorer provides information on individual transactions as well as overall chain metrics on dYdX Chain.

dYdX Chain Risk Monitoring Portal by Chaos Labs

This dashboard contains important trading and risk assessment metrics on dYdX Chain. It also features a dynamic leaderboard that offers real-time tracking and visibility into traders' points, providing transparency and clarity regarding their positions in the Launch Incentives Program.

Observatory by Rockaway Labs

This dashboard provides complete validator and chain performance metrics on dYdX Chain.

Validator Info by Allnodes

This dashboard contains real-time validator status and simplified information on validator performance on dYdX Chain.

dYdX Chain Indexer

The Indexer is a read-only collection of services that indexes and serves blockchain data to end users more efficiently and web2-friendly. It consumes real-time data from a dYdX Chain full node, stores it in a database, and serves that data through a web socket and REST requests to end users.

Last updated